Friday, 11 January 2013

Time for TLC

Over indulging over the festive period can leave us all feeling a little down and out. Our skin becomes dull and dehydrated after too many late nights. Our hair has given up after repeated blow drying and curling! Our feet are begging us for Uggs after hours of partying in heels! Yes girls, January is a time to get to work. I have put together a list of my favourite pamper products that will guarantee to get your hair,skin and feet on your good side again! The best part? They are all purse friendly!  

So lets start with feet first! Feet are usually neglected, dried off on the bath mat with a quick slick of moisturiser if they are lucky, then squeezed into heels for endless hours! So time to give them some attention for a change. First of all, you need to get rid of all that dead skin that's accrued.  Its a good idea to start by using a foot peel. I strongly recommend the Sparkling Foot Peel from the Face Shop (7,000 Krw) For those of you not familiar with this amazing product, continue reading. If you have sensitive skin I would advise to test a small sample of the solution on your foot first.  

You will need to choose a day where you have a few spare hours, as the process is time consuming. Making sure your feet are clean put them into the two foot bags. 

Then pour the solution into the bags and leave for 90 minutes. Perfect time for a cup of tea and a film!

After 90 minutes carefully remove feet and dispose of the bags. Shower off the remaining solution. Now don't expect results straight away, it can take up to a week for your feet to begin to peel. Once they do though be warned, its addictive!  Dedicate time in the day to sit and peel off the dead skin. It doesn't hurt and you will be surprised with how much peels off! The end result? you should be left with baby soft feet. For really poor soles repeat two weeks after.

After the peeling has stopped it's important to follow up with a moisturiser.  There's plenty of deep foot moisturisers on the market. If you are on a budget, I recommend using a good body moisturiser or baby oil that you already have. Before bed spend around 10 minutes rubbing the moisturiser in then sleep in a pair of old socks! It keeps the moisturiser sealed. 

You should now have your feet on your good side again! (before the heels come out again that is!)

Have you used any other amazing foot products? If so let me no!

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