This is my first blog in
well over a year; I have spent the past year adjusting to being back in the
‘real’ world whilst missing Korea terribly. My makeup bag and cosmetic collection
has also dwindled since moving back to the UK. I hadn’t realised how amazing
the Korean cosmetic market actually was until I came back to the Western world.
Don’t get me wrong I love the products that are readily available to me in Boots,
Superdrug or the endless department stores, but there is something addictive
about not quite knowing what a product is going to do or if it is going to
work, not to mention finding the newest and most interesting products on the
Over the past year I have begun to notice my skin take a dive. Looking back on pictures from Korea I noticed that my skin looked so much healthier. I remember the lack of problems I had with it and the little makeup I needed to wear. When I returned to the UK my skin care routine changed as I didn’t have the disposable income or the time to invest in trying different products. My skin soon began to show the effects. I had gone from the Korean 5 Step routine to a mere face wipe! Swapping BB cream for industrial strength foundation and buying products that offered high coverage!
Over the past few months
I have begun to invest more time into my skin care routine as in the long run
it pays off to do this instead of opting for a quick fix. I had forgotten how
overwhelming the UK beauty market is and after trying numerous products and
experiencing different results I stumbled across an eBay seller that sold a
great range of Innisfree products. The best part of it all was
the products were the same price as buying it direct from the shop in Korea!
I began re using Innisfree's Green tea Face wash and Serum. Instantly I
remembered why I loved it so much!
Innisfree Green Tea Seed Serum
“3 Seconds Moisturizing” A Serum that keeps the skin moisturized with the concentrated moisturizing energy of the green tea seed. A moisturizing and nourishing serum with organic green tea seeds from Jeju Island to keep the skin clear and moisturized from deep inside"

I totally agree with all of the above this serum is one of my favourite products for a number of reasons. The first is how clean my skin feels once this is used. It literally takes 3 seconds for you to feel the product sinking in. I don't normally use serums as I have normal / combination / problem skin and sometimes they can make my skin feel like an oil slick, so I only use them at night. This one I use twice a day. The smell is very fresh and I actually look forward to putting this on! It doesn’t break my skin out and keeps it well moisturised whilst maintaining oil levels. It definitely gives your skin a pick me up and it feels like you are feeding your skin something pretty good rather than slapping on the chemicals. The best part about this if you are on a budget this serum / range work well for both summer and winter meaning it is long lasting and very adaptable. The price is also very reasonable for a serum. I literally cannot rave about this enough!
I would recommend this product if you are fairly new to using serums and if you want something light weight. This would suit people in the age range of 16-25 as it doesn’t have a lot of anti-ageing properties in. However I am 28 and still use it as well as an anti-ageing moisturiser! Give it a go and let me know what you think!
Don’t know your serum from
your moisturiser? Check out my Korean 5 step explained post.